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ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED 2008 Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES 2008)

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Tucson, AZ, June 12-13 2008

(In conjunction with PLDI 2008)


Corporate sponsor: ARM Ltd.
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Important information:

Call for papers


As embedded systems increase in number, complexity, and diversity, new research challenges are encountered in areas such as verification, validation, meeting performance goals and resource constraints, creating and exploiting new hardware architectures, and scaling up to multicores and distributed systems.

LCTES 2008 solicits papers presenting original work on programming languages, compilers, tools, and architectures that help meet these challenges. Research papers -- which propose innovative techniques -- and experience papers -- which report experimentation with and lessons learned from real-world systems and applications -- are both welcome.

In addition to its regular sessions, LCTES 2008 will feature special events such as an industrial panel, keynotes, tutorials and demonstrations to bring out the latest and more interesting aspects of embedded systems. Examples include tools for multi-cores, emerging platforms such as smart phones multi-player game machines and real-time multi-media players.

Important Dates


Topics of Interest

Papers are solicited on, but not limited to, the following aspects of embedded and cyber physical systems design:

Submission Guidelines

Double-blind reviewing:

Paper submission is double-blind, and may not include author names or institutions. We are using double-blind review to improve actual and perceived fairness in the paper evaluation process. Common sense and careful writing can easily preserve anonymity without detracting from the submission.

Do not reveal the identity of any author in the text. Limit self-references as much as possible to papers that are very relevant and essential for the reviewing the submitted paper. Use only the third person when referring to your prior work. For example, "We build on the prior work by Jones and Smith [JS 2003]." Do not reference technical reports (or URLs for downloadable versions) of your submission or papers. If you have a concurrent submission, reference it as follows: "Closely related work shows how to use this pointer analysis for testing [Anonymous 2007]." with the corresponding citation: [Anonymous 2007] Under submission. Details omitted for double-blind reviewing. We recognize that, even following these guidelines, closely building on your own prior work may indirectly reveal your identity. To implement this policy, the submission site will require authors to establish conflict-of-interest with PC members. We will use the NSF rules:
  1. Advisor/ PhD student relationship forever.
  2. Same institution now, or in past 5 years.
  3. Collaborator on a publication or grant in the past 5 years.
  4. Relative or close personal friend.
If you have other conditions causing a conflict of interest, contact the program chair. Violations to the above may subject the paper to summary rejection.

The PC members and reviewers will rank and review the papers without the knowledge of the authors. To reveal any mistakes, author identities will be revealed at the PC meeting, and thus may be factored into the final decisions. This process is not perfect.


Submissions may not exceed 10 pages formatted according to the ACM SIGPLAN proceedings format. These 10 pages include everything (i.e., it is the total length of the paper). The page limit will be strictly enforced, and papers that exceed the limit will be summarily rejected by the program chair.

Templates for ACM SIGPLAN format are available for Word Perfect, Microsoft Word, and Latex at Submissions should be in PDF that is interpretable by both Ghostscript and Acrobat Reader and printable on US Letter and A4 sized paper. Submitted papers must describe work unpublished in refereed venues, and not submitted for publication elsewhere (including journals and formal proceedings of conferences and workshops). See the SIGPLAN republication policy for more details


Please submit anonymized, 10 page, PDF papers in the SIGPLAN format using the LCTES 2008 submission site.

Paper Evaluation:

The program committee will evaluate the technical contribution of each submission as well as its general accessibility to the LCTES audience. Papers will be judged on significance, originality, relevance, correctness, and clarity. The paper must be organized so that it is easily understood by an audience with varied expertise. The paper should clearly identify what has been accomplished, why it is significant, and how it compares with previous work. Papers that introduce new ideas or approaches are especially encouraged. Suggestions on how to prepare a good submission can be found at

Organizing Committee

General Chair:
Krisztian Flautner
ARM Limited
110 Fulbourn Road
Cambridge, UK
+44 1223 400 749

Program Chair:
John Regehr
School of Computing
University of Utah
50 S. Central Campus Dr., Room 3190
Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA
+1 801 581 4280
Poster Chair:
Bruce Childers
Department of Computer Science
University of Pittsburgh
210 S. Bouquet St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15260. USA +1 412 624 8421

Program Committee

Rolf Ernst (Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany)
David Gay (Intel Research Berkeley, USA)
Daniel Kastner (AbsInt, Germany)
Christoph Kirsch (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Prasad Kulkarni (University of Kansas, USA)
Julia Lawall (DIKU, Denmark)
Jaejin Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
Jenq-Kuen Lee (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Annie Liu (SUNY at Stony Brook, USA)
Rupak Majumdar (UCLA, USA)
Frank Mueller (North Carolina State University, USA)
Kathryn O'Brien (IBM Research, USA)
Alastair Reid (ARM Ltd., UK)
Xavier Rival (INRIA/ENS, France)
Aviral Shrivastava (Arizona State University, USA)
Bjorn De Sutter (IMEC, Belgium)
Lothar Thiele (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Gary Tyson (Florida State University, USA)
Westley Weimer (University of Virginia, USA)
Yuan Xie (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Jingling Xue (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Bingyu Zang (Fudan University, China)
Xiaotong Zhuang (IBM Research, USA)

Steering Committee

Koen De Bosschere (Ghent University, Belgium)
Ron Cytron (Washington University, USA)
Srinivas Devadas (MIT, USA)
Rajiv Gupta (University of Arizona, USA)
Mary Jane Irwin (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Annie Liu (SUNY Stony Brook, USA)
Thomas Marlowe (Seton Hall University, USA)
Peter Marwedel (University of Dortmund, Germany)
Frank Mueller (North Carolina State University, USA)
Yunheung Paek (Seoul National University, Korea)
Santosh Pande (Georgia Tech, USA)
Per Stenstrom (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
David Whalley (Florida State University, USA)
Reinhard Wilhelm (University of the Saarland, Germany)

Page maintained by: John Regehr